Authentication Validator

Zend\Authentication\Validator\Authentication provides a zend-validator ValidatorInterface implementation, which can be used within an input filter or form, or anywhere you you simply want a true/false value to determine whether or not authentication credentials were provided.

The available configuration options include:

  • adapter: an instance of Zend\Authentication\Adapter\AdapterInterface.
  • identity: the identity or name of the identity field in the provided context.
  • credential: credential or the name of the credential field in the provided context.
  • service: an instance of Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService.
  • code_map: map of Zend\Authentication\Result codes to validator message identifiers.


use My\Authentication\Adapter;
use Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService;
use Zend\Authentication\Validator\Authentication as AuthenticationValidator;

$service   = new AuthenticationService();
$adapter   = new Adapter();
$validator = new AuthenticationValidator([
    'service' => $service,
    'adapter' => $adapter,

$validator->isValid('myIdentity', [
     'myCredentialContext' => 'myCredential',

Validation messages

The authentication validator defines five failure message types; identifiers for them are available as constants for convenience. Common authentication failure codes, defined as constants in Zend\Authentication\Result, are mapped to validation messages using a map in CODE_MAP constant. Other authentication codes default to the general message type.

namespace Zend\Authentication\Validator;

use Zend\Authentication\Result;

class Authentication
    const IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND = 'identityNotFound';
    const IDENTITY_AMBIGUOUS = 'identityAmbiguous';
    const CREDENTIAL_INVALID = 'credentialInvalid';
    const UNCATEGORIZED      = 'uncategorized';
    const GENERAL            = 'general';

    const CODE_MAP = [

The authentication validator extends Zend\Validator\AbstractValidator, providing a way common for all framework validators to access, change or translate message templates.
More information is available in the zend-validator documentation

Configure validation messages for custom authentication result codes

The constructor configuration option code_map allows mapping custom codes from Zend\Authentication\Result to validation message identifiers.
code_map is an array of integer code => string message identifier pairs

A new custom message identifier can be specified in code_map which will then be registered as a new message type with the template value set to the general message. Once registered, the message template for the new identifier can be changed as described in the zend-validator documentation.

use Zend\Authentication\Validator\Authentication as AuthenticationValidator;

$validator = new AuthenticationValidator([
    'code_map' => [
        // map custom result code to existing message
        -990 => AuthenticationValidator::IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
        // map custom result code to a new message type
        -991 => 'custom_failure_identifier',

$validator->setMessage('Custom Error Happened', 'custom_failure_identifier');

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