In This Article
is an implementation of
that composes multiple hydrators via event listeners.
You typically want to use an aggregate hydrator when you want to hydrate or extract data from complex objects that implement multiple interfaces, and therefore need multiple hydrators to handle that in subsequent steps.
Installation requirements
The AggregateHydrator
depends on the zend-eventmanager component, so be sure to have it
installed before getting started:
$ composer require zendframework/zend-eventmanager
Basic usage
A simple use case may be hydrating a BlogPost
object, which contains data for the user that
created it, the time it was created, the current publishing status, etc:
use Zend\Hydrator\Aggregate\AggregateHydrator;
$hydrator = new AggregateHydrator();
// attach the various hydrators capable of handling simpler interfaces
$hydrator->add(new My\BlogPostHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new My\UserAwareObjectHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new My\TimestampedObjectHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new My\PublishableObjectHydrator());
// ...
// Now retrieve the BlogPost object
// ...
// you can now extract complex data from a blogpost
$data = $hydrator->extract($blogPost);
// or you can fill the object with complex data
$blogPost = $hydrator->hydrate($data, $blogPost);
Hydrator priorities
has a second optional argument,$priority
. If you have two or more hydrators that conflict with each other for same data keys, you may decide which one to execute first or last by passing a higher or lower integer priority, respectively, to this argument.
In order to work with this logic, each of the hydrators that are attached should ignore any unknown object type passed in:
namespace My;
use Zend\Hydrator\HydratorInterface
class BlogPostHydrator implements HydratorInterface
public function hydrate($data, $object)
if (! $object instanceof BlogPost) {
return $object;
// ... continue hydration ...
public function extract($object)
if (! $object instanceof BlogPost) {
return array();
// ... continue extraction ...
Advanced use cases
Since the AggregateHydrator
is event-driven, you can use the EventManager
API to tweak its behaviour.
Common use cases include:
- Removal of hydrated data keys (passwords/confidential information) depending on business rules.
- Caching of the hydration/extraction process.
- Transformations on extracted data, for compatibility with third-party APIs.
In the following example, a cache listener is introduced to speed up hydration, which can be very useful when the same data is requested multiple times:
use Zend\Hydrator\Aggregate\AggregateHydrator;
use Zend\Hydrator\Aggregate\ExtractEvent;
use Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Memory;
$hydrator = new AggregateHydrator();
// Attach the various hydrators:
$hydrator->add(new My\BlogPostHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new My\UserAwareObjectHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new My\TimestampedObjectHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new My\PublishableObjectHydrator());
// ...
$cache = new Memory();
$cacheReadListener = function (ExtractEvent $event) use ($cache) {
$object = $event->getExtractionObject();
if (! $object instanceof BlogPost) {
if ($cache->hasItem($object->getId())) {
$cacheWriteListener = function (ExtractEvent $event) use ($cache) {
$object = $event->getExtractionObject();
if (! $object instanceof BlogPost) {
$cache->setItem($object->getId(), $event->getExtractedData());
// Attaching a high priority listener executed before extraction logic:
$eventManager = $hydrator->getEventManager();
$eventManager()->attach(ExtractEvent::EVENT_EXTRACT, $cacheReadListener, 1000);
// Attaching a low priority listener executed after extraction logic:
$eventManager()->attach(ExtractEvent::EVENT_EXTRACT, $cacheWriteListener, -1000);
With an aggregate hydrator configured in this way, any
operation will be cached.
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