
In This Article


Zend\InputFilter allows configuration-driven creation of input filters via Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterAbstractServiceFactory. This abstract factory is responsible for creating and returning an appropriate input filter given named configuration under the top-level configuration key input_filter_specs.

It is registered with Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterPluginManager, allowing you to pull the input filter via that plugin manager. A side effect is that forms pulled from Zend\Form\FormElementManager can use these named input filters.


When using zend-mvc version 2 releases, this functionality is disabled by default. To enable it, you must add the Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterAbstractServiceFactory abstract factory to the Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterPluginManager configuration, which is under the input_filters configuration key.

return [
    'input_filters' => [
        'abstract_factories' => [

For Expressive when using the configuration manager, and for zend-mvc v3 releases, the functionality is enabled by default, assuming you are using the component installer.


In the following code, we define configuration for an input filter named foobar:

return [
    'input_filter_specs' => [
        'foobar' => [
                'name' => 'name',
                'required' => true,
                'filters' => [
                        'name' => 'Zend\Filter\StringTrim',
                        'options' => [],
                'validators' => [],
                'description' => 'Hello to name',
                'allow_empty' => false,
                'continue_if_empty' => false,

When creating a controller, we might then pull the InputFilterManager, and retrieve the foobar input filter we've defined in order to inject it:

use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

class MyValidatingControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface
    public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $controllers)
        // Retrieve the application service manager
        $services = $controllers->getServiceLocator();

        // Retrieve the InputFilterManager
        $filters = $services->get('InputFilterManager');

        // Instantiate the controller and pass it the foobar input filter
        return new MyValidatingController($filters->get('foobar'));

And you can use it as you already did with other input filters:

    'name' => 'test',

if (! $inputFilter->isValid()) {
    echo 'Data invalid';

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