

Zend\Mail\Message encapsulates a single email message as described in RFCs 822 and 2822. It acts as a value object for setting mail headers and content.

If desired, multi-part email messages may also be created. This can be done using the zend-mime component, and assigning the generated MIME part to the mail message body.

The Message class is a value object. It is not capable of sending or storing itself; for those purposes, you will need to use, respectively, a Transport adapter or a Storage adapter.

Quick Start

Creating a Message by instantiating it:

use Zend\Mail\Message;

$message = new Message();

Once you have your Message instance, you can start adding content or headers. Let's set who the mail is from, who it's addressed to, a subject, and some content:

$message->addFrom('', 'Matthew Somelli');
$message->setSubject('Sending an email from Zend\Mail!');
$message->setBody('This is the message body.');

You can also add recipients to carbon-copy ("Cc:") or blind carbon-copy ("Bcc:").


If you want to specify an alternate address to which replies may be sent, that can be done, too.

$message->addReplyTo('', 'Matthew');

Interestingly, RFC-822 allows for multiple "From:" addresses. When you do this, the first one will be used as the sender, unless you specify a "Sender:" header. The Message class allows for this.

 * Mail headers created:
 * From: Ralph Nader <>, Enrico Volante <>
 * Sender: Matthew Sommeli <>
$message->addFrom('', 'Ralph Nader');
$message->addFrom('', 'Enrico Volante');
$message->setSender('', 'Matthew Sommeli');

By default, the Message class assumes ASCII encoding for your email. If you wish to use another encoding, you can do so; setting this will ensure all headers and body content are properly encoded using quoted-printable encoding.


If you wish to set other headers, you can do that as well.

 * Mail headers created:
$message->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('X-API-Key', 'FOO-BAR-BAZ-BAT');

Sometimes you may want to provide HTML content, or multi-part content. To do that, you'll first create a MIME message object, and then set it as the body of your mail message object. When you do so, the Message class will automatically set a "MIME-Version" header, as well as an appropriate "Content-Type" header.

If you are interested in multipart emails or using attachments, read the chapter on Adding Attachments.

If you want a string representation of your email, you can get that:

echo $message->toString();

Finally, you can fully introspect the message, including getting all addresses of recipients and senders, all headers, and the message body.

// Headers
// Note: this will also grab all headers for which accessors/mutators exist in
// the Message object itself.
foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $header) {
    echo $header->toString();
    // or grab values: $header->getFieldName(), $header->getFieldValue()

// The logic below also works for the methods cc(), bcc(), to(), and replyTo()
foreach ($message->getFrom() as $address) {
    printf("%s: %s\n", $address->getEmail(), $address->getName());

// Sender
$address = $message->getSender();
if (! is_null($address)) {
   printf("%s: %s\n", $address->getEmail(), $address->getName());

// Subject
echo "Subject: ", $message->getSubject(), "\n";

// Encoding
echo "Encoding: ", $message->getEncoding(), "\n";

// Message body:
echo $message->getBody();     // raw body, or MIME object
echo $message->getBodyText(); // body as it will be sent

Once your message is shaped to your liking, pass it to a mail transport in order to send it!


Configuration Options

The Message class has no configuration options, and is instead a value object.

Available Methods


isValid() : bool

Messages without a From address are invalid, per RFC-2822.


setEncoding(string $encoding) : void

Set the message encoding.


getEncoding() : string

Get the message encoding.


setHeaders(Zend\Mail\Headers $headers) : void

Compose headers.


getHeaders() : Zend\Mail\Headers

Access headers collection, lazy-loading a Headers instance if none was previously attached.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Set (overwrite) From addresses. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressOrList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Add a From address. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


getFrom() : AddressList

Retrieve list of From senders.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    null|string $name
) : void

Overwrite the address list in the To recipients. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressOrList,
    null|string $name
) : void

Add one or more addresses to the To recipients; appends to the list. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


getTo() : AddressList

Access the address list of the To header. Lazy-loads an AddressList and populates the To header if not previously done.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Set (overwrite) Cc addresses. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Add a Cc address. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


getCc() : AddressList

Retrieve list of Cc recipients. Lazy-loads an AddressList and populates the Cc header if not previously done.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Set (overwrite) Bcc addresses. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Add a Bcc address. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


getBcc() : AddressList

Retrieve list of Bcc recipients. Lazy-loads an AddressList and populates the Bcc header if not previously done.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Overwrite the address list in the Reply-To recipients. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


    string|AddressInterface|array|AddressList|Traversable $emailOrAddressList,
    string|null $name
) : void

Add one or more addresses to the Reply-To recipients. If an associative array is provided, it must be a set of key/value pairs where the key is the human readable name, and the value is the email address.


getReplyTo() : AddressList

Access the address list of the Reply-To header. Lazy-loads an AddressList and populates the Reply-To header if not previously done.


    string|AddressInterface $emailOrAddress,
    null|string $name
) : void

Set the message envelope Sender header.


getSender() : null|AddressInterface

Retrieve the sender address, if any.


setSubject(string $subject) :void

Set the message subject header value.


getSubject() : null|string

Get the message subject header value.


setBody(null|string|Zend\Mime\Message|object $body) : void

Set the message body. If a generic object is provided, it must implement __toString().


getBody() : null|string|object

Return the currently set message body. Object return values include Zend\Mime\Message instances or objects implementing __toString().


getBodyText() : null|string

Get the string-serialized message body text.


toString() : string

Serialize to string.

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