File Validators


Zend\Validator\File\Upload validates that a file upload operation was successful.

Supported Options

Zend\Validator\File\Upload supports the following options:

  • files: array of file uploads. This is generally the $_FILES array, but should be normalized per the details in PSR-7 (which is also how the zend-http Request normalizes the array).

Basic Usage

use Zend\Validator\File\Upload;

// Using zend-http's request:
$validator = new Upload($request->getFiles());

// Or using options notation:
$validator = new Upload(['files' => $request->getFiles()]);

// Validate:
if ($validator->isValid('foo')) {
    // "foo" file upload was successful

PSR-7 Support

  • Since 2.11.0

Starting in 2.11.0, you can also pass an array of PSR-7 UploadedFileInterface instances to the constructor, the setFiles() method, or the isValid() method (in the latter case, you are validating that all uploaded files were valid).

use Zend\Validator\File\Upload;

// @var Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
$validator = new Upload($request->getUploadedFiles());

// Or using options notation:
$validator = new Upload([
    'files' => $request->getUploadedFiles(),

// Validate:
if ($validator->isValid('foo')) {
    // "foo" file upload was successful

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