
In This Article

Storage Capabilities

Storage capabilities describe how a storage adapter works, and which features it supports.

To get capabilities of a storage adapter, you can use the method getCapabilities(), but only the storage adapter and its plugins have permissions to change them.

Because capabilities are mutable, you can subscribe to the "change" event to get notifications; see the examples for details.

If you are writing your own plugin or adapter, you can also change capabilities because you have access to the marker object and can create your own marker to instantiate a new instance of Zend\Cache\Storage\Capabilities.

Available Methods

namespace Zend\Cache\Storage;

use ArrayObject;
use stdClass;
use Zend\Cache\Exception;
use Zend\EventManager\EventsCapableInterface;

class Capabilities
     * Constructor
     * @param StorageInterface  $storage
     * @param stdClass          $marker
     * @param array             $capabilities
     * @param null|Capabilities $baseCapabilities
    public function __construct(
        StorageInterface $storage,
        stdClass $marker,
        array $capabilities = [],
        Capabilities $baseCapabilities = null

     * Get the storage adapter
     * @return StorageInterface
    public function getAdapter();

     * Get supported datatypes
     * @return array
    public function getSupportedDatatypes();

     * Set supported datatypes
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  array $datatypes
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setSupportedDatatypes(stdClass $marker, array $datatypes);

     * Get supported metadata
     * @return array
    public function getSupportedMetadata();

     * Set supported metadata
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  string[] $metadata
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setSupportedMetadata(stdClass $marker, array $metadata);

     * Get minimum supported time-to-live
     * @return int 0 means items never expire
    public function getMinTtl();

     * Set minimum supported time-to-live
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  int $minTtl
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setMinTtl(stdClass $marker, $minTtl);

     * Get maximum supported time-to-live
     * @return int 0 means infinite
    public function getMaxTtl();

     * Set maximum supported time-to-live
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  int $maxTtl
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setMaxTtl(stdClass $marker, $maxTtl);

     * Is the time-to-live handled static (on write)
     * or dynamic (on read)
     * @return bool
    public function getStaticTtl();

     * Set if the time-to-live handled static (on write) or dynamic (on read)
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  bool $flag
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setStaticTtl(stdClass $marker, $flag);

     * Get time-to-live precision
     * @return float
    public function getTtlPrecision();

     * Set time-to-live precision
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  float $ttlPrecision
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setTtlPrecision(stdClass $marker, $ttlPrecision);

     * Get use request time
     * @return bool
    public function getUseRequestTime();

     * Set use request time
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  bool $flag
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setUseRequestTime(stdClass $marker, $flag);

     * Get if expired items are readable
     * @return bool
     * @deprecated This capability has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.
     *             Please use getStaticTtl() instead
    public function getExpiredRead();

     * Set if expired items are readable
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  bool $flag
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
     * @deprecated This capability has been deprecated and will be removed in the future.
     *             Please use setStaticTtl() instead
    public function setExpiredRead(stdClass $marker, $flag);

     * Get "lock-on-expire" support in seconds.
     * @return int  0 = Expired items will never be retrieved
     *             >0 = Time in seconds an expired item could be retrieved
     *             -1 = Expired items could be retrieved forever
    public function getLockOnExpire()
        return $this->getCapability('lockOnExpire', 0);

     * Set "lock-on-expire" support in seconds.
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  int      $timeout
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setLockOnExpire(stdClass $marker, $timeout)
        return $this->setCapability($marker, 'lockOnExpire', (int) $timeout);

     * Get maximum key length
     * @return int -1 means unknown, 0 means infinite
    public function getMaxKeyLength();

     * Set maximum key length
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  int $maxKeyLength
     * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setMaxKeyLength(stdClass $marker, $maxKeyLength);

     * Get if namespace support is implemented as prefix
     * @return bool
    public function getNamespaceIsPrefix();

     * Set if namespace support is implemented as prefix
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  bool $flag
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setNamespaceIsPrefix(stdClass $marker, $flag);

     * Get namespace separator if namespace is implemented as prefix
     * @return string
    public function getNamespaceSeparator();

     * Set the namespace separator if namespace is implemented as prefix
     * @param  stdClass $marker
     * @param  string $separator
     * @return Capabilities Fluent interface
    public function setNamespaceSeparator(stdClass $marker, $separator);


Get Storage Capabilities and do specific Stuff based on them

use Zend\Cache\StorageFactory;

$cache = StorageFactory::adapterFactory('filesystem');
$supportedDatatypes = $cache->getCapabilities()->getSupportedDatatypes();

// now you can run specific stuff in base of supported feature
if ($supportedDatatypes['object']) {
    $cache->set($key, $object);
} else {
    $cache->set($key, serialize($object));

Listen to the change Event

use Zend\Cache\StorageFactory;

$cache = StorageFactory::adapterFactory('filesystem', [
    'no_atime' => false,

// Catching capability changes
$cache->getEventManager()->attach('capability', function($event) {
    echo count($event->getParams()) . ' capabilities changed';

// change option which changes capabilities

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