View Helpers

In This Article


The FormCheckbox view helper can be used to render an <input type="checkbox"> HTML form input. It is meant to work with the checkbox element, which provides a default input specification for validating the checkbox values.

Basic usage

use Zend\Form\Element;

$element = new Element\Checkbox('my-checkbox');

// Within your view...

 * Example #1: Default options
echo $this->formCheckbox($element);
// Result:
// <input type="hidden" name="my-checkbox" value="0">
// <input type="checkbox" name="my-checkbox" value="1">

 * Example #2: Disable hidden element
echo $this->formCheckbox($element);
// Result: <input type="checkbox" name="my-checkbox" value="1">

 * Example #3: Change checked/unchecked values
echo $this->formCheckbox($element);
// Result:
// <input type="hidden" name="my-checkbox" value="no">
// <input type="checkbox" name="my-checkbox" value="yes">

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