
In This Article

IsInstanceOf Validator

Zend\Validator\IsInstanceOf allows you to validate whether a given object is an instance of a specific class or interface.

Supported options

The following options are supported for Zend\Validator\IsInstanceOf:

  • className: Defines the fully-qualified class name which objects must be an instance of.

Basic usage

$validator = new Zend\Validator\IsInstanceOf([
    'className' => 'Zend\Validator\Digits'
$object = new Zend\Validator\Digits();

if ($validator->isValid($object)) {
    // $object is an instance of Zend\Validator\Digits
} else {
    // false. You can use $validator->getMessages() to retrieve error messages

If a string argument is passed to the constructor of Zend\Validator\IsInstanceOf, then that value will be used as the class name:

use Zend\Validator\Digits;
use Zend\Validator\IsInstanceOf;

$validator = new IsInstanceOf(Digits::class);
$object = new Digits();

if ($validator->isValid($object)) {
    // $object is an instance of Zend\Validator\Digits
} else {
    // false. You can use $validator->getMessages() to retrieve error messages

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