

The HTML <title> element is used to provide a title for an HTML document. The HeadTitle helper allows you to programmatically create and store the title for later retrieval and output.

The HeadTitle helper is a concrete implementation of the Placeholder helper. It overrides the toString() method to enforce generating a <title> element, and adds a headTitle() method for overwriting and aggregation of title elements. The signature for that method is headTitle($title, $setType = null); by default, the value is appended to the stack (aggregating title segments) if left at null, but you may also specify either 'PREPEND' (place at top of stack) or 'SET' (overwrite stack).

Since setting the aggregating (attach) order on each call to headTitle can be cumbersome, you can set a default attach order by calling setDefaultAttachOrder() which is applied to all headTitle() calls unless you explicitly pass a different attach order as the second parameter.

Basic Usage

Specify a title tag in a view script, e.g. module/Album/view/album/album/index.phtml:

$this->headTitle('My albums');

Render the title in the layout script, e.g. module/Application/view/layout/layout.phtml

<?= $this->headTitle() ?>


<title>My albums</title>

Add the Website Name

A typical usage includes the website name in the title. Add the name and set a separator in the layout script, e.g. module/Application/view/layout/layout.phtml

<?= $this->headTitle('Music')->setSeparator(' - ') ?>


<title>My albums - Music</title>

Set Content

The normal behaviour is to append the content to the title (container).

$this->headTitle('My albums')

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>My albumsMusic</title>

Append Content

To explicitly append content, the second paramater $setType or the concrete method append() of the helper can be used:

```php fct_label="Invoke Usage" $this->headTitle('My albums') $this->headTitle('Music', 'APPEND');

echo $this->headTitle(); // My albumsMusic

```php fct_label="Setter Usage"
$this->headTitle('My albums')

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>My albumsMusic</title>

The constant Zend\View\Helper\Placeholder\Container\AbstractContainer::APPEND can also be used as value for the second parameter $setType.

Prepend Content

To prepend content, the second paramater $setType or the concrete method prepend() of the helper can be used:

```php fct_label="Invoke Usage" $this->headTitle('My albums') $this->headTitle('Music', 'PREPEND');

echo $this->headTitle(); // MusicMy albums

```php fct_label="Setter Usage"
$this->headTitle('My albums')

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>MusicMy albums</title>

The constant Zend\View\Helper\Placeholder\Container\AbstractContainer::PREPEND can also be used as value for the second parameter $setType.

Overwrite existing Content

To overwrite the entire content of title helper, the second parameter $setType or the concrete method set() of the helper can be used:

```php fct_label="Invoke Usage" $this->headTitle('My albums') $this->headTitle('Music', 'SET');

echo $this->headTitle(); // Music

```php fct_label="Setter Usage"
$this->headTitle('My albums')

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>Music</title>

The constant Zend\View\Helper\Placeholder\Container\AbstractContainer::SET can also be used as value for the second parameter $setType.

Set a default Order to add Content

$this->headTitle('My albums');

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>MusicMy albums</title>

Get Current Value

To get the current value of this option, use the getDefaultAttachOrder() method.


echo $this->headTitle()->getDefaultAttachOrder(); // PREPEND

Default Value

The default value is Zend\View\Helper\Placeholder\Container\AbstractContainer::APPEND which corresponds to the value APPEND.

Using Separator

$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' | ');
$this->headTitle('My albums');

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>My albums | Music</title>

Get Current Value

To get the current value of this option, use the getSeparator() method.

$this->headTitle()->setSeparator(' | ');

echo $this->headTitle()->getSeparator(); //  |

Default Value

The default value is an empty string that means no extra content is added between the titles on rendering.

Add Prefix and Postfix

The content of the helper can be formatted with a prefix and a postfix.

$this->headTitle('My albums')->setPrefix('Music: ')->setPostfix('š¯„˛');

echo $this->headTitle(); // <title>Music: My albums š¯„˛</title>

More descriptions and another example of usage can be found at the Placeholder helper.

Render without Tags

In case the title is needed without the <title> and </title> tags the renderTitle() method can be used.

echo $this->headTitle('My albums')->renderTitle(); // My albums

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