
Provided Factories

Expressive provides several factories compatible with PSR-11 Container to facilitate setting up common dependencies. The following is a list of provided factories, what they will create, the suggested service name, and any additional dependencies they may require.


The zend-expressive package ships Zend\Expressive\ConfigProvider, which defines configuration that references each of these factories, using the suggested names; this provider is registered by default when using the skeleton application.

All factories, unless noted otherwise, are in the Zend\Expressive\Container namespace, and define an __invoke() method that accepts an Psr\Container\ContainerInterface instance as the sole argument.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Application
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Application
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareFactory
    • Zend\Expressive\ApplicationPipeline, which should resolve to a Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe instance.
    • Zend\Expressive\Router\RouteCollector
    • Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\RequestHandlerRunner
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: a Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe for use with the Application instance.
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\ApplicationPipeline
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterInterface
  • Suggested Name: Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

This factory creates an instance of Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterStack, pushing a Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter to it.


  • Provides: Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler
  • Requires:
    • Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a ResponseInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
  • Optional:
    • Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator. If not provided, the error handler will not compose an error response generator, making it largely useless other than to provide an empty response.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to seed the ErrorResponseGenerator instance with a template name to use for errors (see more below), and/or a "debug" flag value.
    • Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface. If not provided, the error response generator will provide a plain text response instead of a templated one.

When the config service is present, the factory can utilize two values:

  • debug, a flag indicating whether or not to provide debug information when creating an error response.
  • zend-expressive.error_handler.template_error, a name of an alternate template to use (instead of the default represented in the Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT constant, which evaluates to error::error).
  • Since 3.1.0: zend-expressive.error_handler.layout, a name of an alternate layout to use (instead of the default represented in the Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator::LAYOUT_DEFAULT constant, which evaluates to layout::default).

As an example:

'debug' => true,
'zend-expressive' => [
    'error_handler' => [
        'template_error' => 'name of error template',
        'layout' => 'layout::alternate',


  • Provides: a Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareContainer
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareContainer
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

This factory returns an instance of Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareContainer injected with the container instance itself.

The MiddlewareContainer is a PSR-11 container itself, but ensures that instances pulled are PSR-15 MiddlewareInterface instances:

  • It decorates PSR-15 RequestHandlerInterface instances using Zend\Stratigility\RequestHandlerMiddleware.
  • If a requested service is not in the underlying PSR-11 container, but the class exists, it will attempt to instantiate it directly.
  • Any service retrieved that is not a MiddlewareInterface instance will result in an exception, ensuring that nothing invalid is piped or routed.


  • Provides: a Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareFactory
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareFactory
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\MiddlewareContainer
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

The MiddlewareFactory is used by Zend\Expressive\Application to prepare $middleware arguments to pipe(), route(), et al, ensuring they are MiddlewareInterface implementations. It handles the following types:

  • MiddlewareInterface types are considered valid always.
  • RequestHandlerInterface types are decorated using Zend\Stratigility\Middleware\RequestHandlerMiddleware.
  • callable types are decorated using Zend\Stratigility\middleware().
  • string types are decorated using a Zend\Expressive\Middleware\LazyLoadingMiddleware instance (which will also receive the MiddlewareContainer.)
  • Or an array of any of the above types.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Handler\NotFoundHandler
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Handler\NotFoundHandler
  • Requires:
    • Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a ResponseInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to seed the NotFoundHandler instance with a template name to use.
    • Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface. If not provided, the handler will provide a plain text response instead of a templated one.

When the config service is present, the factory can utilize two values:

  • zend-expressive.error_handler.template_404, a name of an alternate template to use (instead of the default represented in the Zend\Expressive\Delegate\NotFoundDelegate::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT constant, which evaluates to error::404).

  • zend-expressive.error_handler.layout, a name of an alternate template to use (instead of the default represented in the Zend\Expressive\Delegate\NotFoundDelegate::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT constant, which evaluates to layout::default).

As an example:

'zend-expressive' => [
    'error_handler' => [
        'template_404' => 'name of 404 template',
        'layout' => 'layout::alternate',


  • Provides: Zend\HttpHandler\RequestHandlerRunner
  • Suggested Name: Zend\HttpHandler\RequestHandlerRunner
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\ApplicationPipeline, which should resolve to the Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewarePipe instance the Application will use.
    • Zend\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\EmitterInterface
    • Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a ServerRequestInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
    • Zend\Expressive\Response\ServerRequestErrorResponseGenerator
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

This factory generates the RequestHandlerRunner instance used by the Application instance to "run" the application. It marshals a request instance, passes it to the application pipeline to handle, and emits the returned response. If an error occurs during request generation, it uses the ServerRequestErrorResponseGenerator to generate the response to emit.


  • Provides: a PHP callable capable of producing Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instances.
  • Suggested Name: Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

By default, this uses zend-diactoros to produce a response, and will raise an exception if that package is not installed. You can provide an alternate factory if you want to use an alternate PSR-7 implementation.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Response\ServerRequestErrorResponseGenerator
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Response\ServerRequestErrorResponseGenerator
  • Requires:
    • Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a ResponseInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to seed the ErrorResponseGenerator instance with a template name to use for errors (see more below), and/or a "debug" flag value.
    • Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface. If not provided, the error response generator will provide a plain text response instead of a templated one.

When the config service is present, the factory can utilize two values:

  • debug, a flag indicating whether or not to provide debug information when creating an error response.
  • zend-expressive.error_handler.template_error, a name of an alternate template to use (instead of the default represented in the Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator::TEMPLATE_DEFAULT constant).

As an example:

'debug' => true,
'zend-expressive' => [
    'error_handler' => [
        'template_error' => 'name of error template',


  • Provides: a PHP callable capable of producing Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface instances.
  • Suggested Name: Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

By default, this uses zend-diactoros to produce a request, and will raise an exception if that package is not installed. You can provide an alternate factory if you want to use an alternate PSR-7 implementation.


  • Provides: a PHP callable capable of producing Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface instances.
  • Suggested Name: Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

By default, this uses zend-diactoros to produce a stream, and will raise an exception if that package is not installed. You can provide an alternate factory if you want to use an alternate PSR-7 implementation.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Middleware\WhoopsErrorResponseGenerator
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Middleware\ErrorResponseGenerator
  • Requires: Zend\Expressive\Whoops (see WhoopsFactory, below)


  • Provides: Whoops\Run
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Whoops
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\WhoopsPageHandler
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to seed additional page handlers, specifically the JsonResponseHandler (see more below).

This factory creates and configures a Whoops\Run instance so that it will work properly with Zend\Expressive\Application; this includes disabling immediate write-to-output, disabling immediate quit, etc. The PrettyPageHandler returned for the Zend\Expressive\WhoopsPageHandler service will be injected.

It consumes the following config structure:

'whoops' => [
    'json_exceptions' => [
        'display'    => true,
        'show_trace' => true,
        'ajax_only'  => true,

If no whoops top-level key is present in the configuration, a default instance with no JsonResponseHandler composed will be created.


  • Provides: Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\WhoopsPageHandler
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to further configure the PrettyPageHandler instance, specifically with editor configuration (for linking files such that they open in the configured editor).

It consumes the following config structure:

'whoops' => [
    'editor' => 'editor name, editor service name, or callable',

The editor value must be a known editor name (see the Whoops documentation for pre-configured editor types), a callable, or a service name to use.


The zend-expressive-router package ships Zend\Expressive\Router\ConfigProvider, which defines configuration that references each of these factories, using the suggested names; this provider is registered by default when using the skeleton application.

Individual router implementation packages are expected to provide the Zend\Expressive\Router\RouterInterface service.

All factories listed below are under the Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware namespace (unless otherwise specified), and define an __invoke() method that accepts a Psr\Container\ContainerInterface instance as the sole argument.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\DispatchMiddleware
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\DispatchMiddleware
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\ImplicitHeadMiddleware
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\ImplicitHeadMiddleware
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\Router\RouterInterface
    • Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a StreamInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\ImplicitOptionsMiddleware
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\ImplicitOptionsMiddleware
  • Requires:
    • Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a ResponseInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\MethodNotAllowedMiddleware
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\MethodNotAllowedMiddleware
  • Requires:
    • Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, which should resolve to a callable capable of producing a ResponseInterface instance (and not directly to an instance itself)
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Router\RouteCollector
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Router\RouteCollector
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\Router\RouterInterface
  • Optional: no optional services are used.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\RouteMiddleware
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Router\Middleware\RouteMiddleware
  • Requires:
    • Zend\Expressive\Router\RouterInterface
  • Optional: no optional services are used.

Factories provided by template engine packages

The following factories are provided by individual template engine packages. Generally speaking, these will be provided to your container configuration during installation.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer
  • FactoryName: Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRendererFactory
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to further configure the Plates instance, specifically with the filename extension to use, and paths to inject.

It consumes the following config structure:

'templates' => [
    'extension' => 'file extension used by templates; defaults to html',
    'paths' => [
        // namespace / path pairs
        // Numeric namespaces imply the default/main namespace. Paths may be
        // strings or arrays of string paths to associate with the namespace.

One note: Due to a limitation in the Plates engine, you can only map one path per namespace when using Plates.


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\Twig\TwigRenderer
  • FactoryName: Zend\Expressive\Twig\TwigRendererFactory
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional:
    • Zend\Expressive\Router\RouterInterface; if found, it will be used to seed a Zend\Expressive\Twig\TwigExtension instance for purposes of rendering application URLs.
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to further configure the Twig instance, specifically with the filename extension, paths to assets (and default asset version to use), and template paths to inject.

It consumes the following config structure:

'debug' => boolean,
'templates' => [
    'cache_dir' => 'path to cached templates',
    'assets_url' => 'base URL for assets',
    'assets_version' => 'base version for assets',
    'extension' => 'file extension used by templates; defaults to html.twig',
    'paths' => [
        // namespace / path pairs
        // Numeric namespaces imply the default/main namespace. Paths may be
        // strings or arrays of string paths to associate with the namespace.

When debug is true, it disables caching, enables debug mode, enables strict variables, and enables auto reloading. The assets_* values are used to seed the TwigExtension instance (assuming the router was found).


  • Provides: Zend\Expressive\ZendView\ZendViewRenderer
  • FactoryName: Zend\Expressive\ZendView\ZendViewRendererFactory
  • Suggested Name: Zend\Expressive\Template\TemplateRendererInterface
  • Requires: no additional services are required.
  • Optional:
    • config, an array or ArrayAccess instance. This will be used to further configure the ZendView instance, specifically with the layout template name, entries for a TemplateMapResolver, and and template paths to inject.
    • Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer, in order to allow providing custom extensions and/or re-using an existing configuration; otherwise, a default instance is created.
    • Zend\View\HelperPluginManager; if present, will be used to inject the PhpRenderer instance; otherwise, a default instance is created.
    • Zend\Expressive\Helper\UrlHelper, in order to provide a URL helper compatible with zend-expressive-router. If you will not be generating URLs, this can be omitted.
    • Zend\Expressive\Helper\ServerUrlHelper, in order to provide a server URL helper (which provides the scheme and authority for a generated URL) compatible with zend-expressive-router. If you will not be generating URLs, this can be omitted.

It consumes the following config structure:

'templates' => [
    'layout' => 'name of layout view to use, if any',
    'map'    => [
        // template => filename pairs
    'paths'  => [
        // namespace / path pairs
        // Numeric namespaces imply the default/main namespace. Paths may be
        // strings or arrays of string paths to associate with the namespace.

When creating the PhpRenderer instance, it will inject it with a Zend\View\HelperPluginManager instance (either pulled from the container, or instantiated directly). It injects the helper plugin manager with custom url and serverurl helpers, Zend\Expressive\ZendView\UrlHelper and Zend\Expressive\ZendView\ServerUrlHelper, respectively.

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