
Using Plates

Plates is a native PHP template system maintained by The League of Extraordinary Packages. it provides:

  • Layout facilities.
  • Template inheritance.
  • Helpers for escaping, and the ability to provide custom helper extensions.

We provide a TemplateRendererInterface wrapper for Plates via Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer.

Installing Plates

To use the Plates wrapper, you must install the Plates integration:

$ composer require zendframework/zend-expressive-platesrenderer

Using the wrapper

If instantiated without arguments, Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer will create an instance of the Plates engine, which it will then proxy to.

use Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer;

$renderer = new PlatesRenderer();

Alternately, you can instantiate and configure the engine yourself, and pass it to the Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer constructor:

use League\Plates\Engine as PlatesEngine;
use Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRenderer;

// Create the engine instance:
$plates = new PlatesEngine();

// Configure it:
$plates->addFolder('error', 'templates/error/');
$plates->loadExtension(new CustomExtension());

// Inject:
$renderer = new PlatesRenderer($plates);

Configuration and Factory

zend-expressive-platesrenderer ships with the factory Zend\Expressive\Plates\PlatesRendererFactory, which will both create the Plates engine instance, and the PlatesRenderer instance. If you are using zend-component-installer, this will be automatically wired for you during installation.

The factory looks for the following configuration in the config service, using any it finds:

// In config/autoload/templates.global.php:

return [
    'plates' => [
        'extensions' => [
            // string service names or class names of Plates extensions
    'templates' => [
        'extension' => 'phtml', // change this if you use a different file
                                // extension for templates
        'paths' => [
            // namespace => [paths] pairs

The factory will also inject two extensions by default, Zend\Expressive\Plates\Extension\UrlExtension and Zend\Expressive\Plates\Extension\EscaperExtension, both listed in more detail below.

Shipped Extensions

zend-expressive-plates provides the following extensions.


Zend\Expressive\Plates\Extension\UrlExtension composes each of the UrlHelper and ServerUrlHelper, and provides the following template methods:

public function url(
   string $routeName = null,
   array $routeParams = [],
   array $queryParams = [],
   ?string $fragmentIdentifier = null,
   array $options = []
) : string;

public function serverurl(string $path = null) : string;

// Since zend-expressive-platesrender 2.1.0:
public function route() : ?Zend\Expressive\Router\RouteResult

As an example:

<a href="<?= $this->url('blog', ['stub' => $this->stub]) ?>">A blog post on this</a>

$routing        = $this->route();
$routingIsValid = $routing && $routing->isSuccess();
$route       = $routingIsValid ? $routing->getMatchedRouteName() : 'blog';
$routeParams = $routingIsValid ? $routing->getMatchedParams() : [];
<a href="<?= $this->url($route, $routeParams) ?>">For more information</a>


Zend\Expressive\Plates\Extension\EscaperExtension proxies to functionality provided in the zend-escaper package. It looks for the following configuration in the config service:

// In config/autoload/templates.global.php:

return [
    'plates' => [
        'encoding' => ?string, // character encoding of generated content

By default it assumes UTF-8 for the encoding.

The extension registers the following template methods:

public function escapeHtml(string $html) : string;
public function escapeHtmlAttr(string $attribute) : string;
public function escapeJs(string $js) : string;
public function escapeCss(string $css) : string;
public function escapeUrl(string $url) : string;

As examples:

    <meta name="author" content="<?= $this->escapeHtmlAttr($this->author) ?>">
    <link rel="alternative" href="<?= $this->escapeUrl($this->alternative) ?>">
    <style><?= $this->escapeCss($this->styles) ?></style>
    <script><?= $this->escapeJs($this->script) ?></script>

    <?= $this->escapeHtml($this->content) ?>

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