Migration Guide

Version 3 is the first new major release of zend-di, and contains a number of backward incompatible changes. These were introduced to provide better performance, stability, and predictability.

This guide describes how to migrate from Version 2 to 3.

What has changed?

This lists the most impacting changes and potential pitfalls when upgrading to zend-di version 3.

  • The injector now only supports constructor injections. If you require injections based on "Aware" interfaces or setter/method injections, you need to provide these on your own. You could do this by decorating the injector instance or using initializers in zend-servicemanager.

  • \Zend\Di\Di is renamed to \Zend\Di\InjectorInterface. It also is no longer an IoC container which offers get()/has(). Container functionality is now provided via Zend\Di\DefaultContainer, which implements Psr\Container\ContainerInterface. If you were using \Zend\Di\Di as an IoC container, please switch to Zend\Di\DefaultContainer or use it with zend-servicemanager.

  • All programmatic and array-based definitions were dropped. If you need custom definitions, implement \Zend\Di\Definition\DefinitionInterface.

  • The definition compiler was removed in favor of a code generator, which offers better performance.

  • Added PHP 7.1 type safety. All interfaces and classes are strongly typed, and all methods use return typehints, as well as scalar typehints where needed.

  • Generator and GeneratorInstance in Zend\Di\ServiceLocator were removed in favor of the code generator, which creates zend-servicemanager compatible factories.

Migrating from v2 to v3 with zend-mvc

When you are using zend-mvc, you can follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Remove zendframework/zend-servicemanager-difrom your composer.json, or execute composer remove zendframework/zend-servicemanager-di.
  2. Change the version constraint for zendframework/zend-di to ^3.0, or execute composer require "zendframework/zend-di:^3.0".
  3. Change any remaining module entries for Zend\ServiceManager\Di\Module to Zend\Di\Module within either config/application.config.php or config/modules.config.php.
  4. If you are using any factories from zend-servicemanager-di, you may have to replace them with Zend\Di\Container\AutowireFactory.
  5. Migrate your zend-di config to the new configuration format.

Migrating configuration

zend-di configuration is now expected in $config['dependencies']['auto'], where $config is your config service.

The zend-di config service factory will automatically attempt to migrate legacy configurations at runtime, which gives you some time to migrate your configs. You can use Zend\Di\LegacyConfig to help migrating existing configs:

use Zend\Di\LegacyConfig;

$migrated = new LegacyConfig($diConfigArray);
$code = var_export($migrated->toArray(), true);

When the zend-di config service factory is used to create configuration for use with the AutowireFactory and/or DefaultContainer, if it detects the $config['di] key, it will emit an E_USER_DEPRECATED error, pointing to this documentation. We recommend using the above approach to convert your configuration to the format recognized by version 3.

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